【孟晚舟辩方律师:加拿大执法部门诸多行为非法】当地时间3月17日,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省高等法院再次开庭,继续对孟晚舟案进行法庭辩论。当天法庭就“程序滥用”这一申诉理由的第二分支,也就是“非法拘押”进行辩论。孟晚舟律师控诉加拿大边境服务局,在没有正当权限下没收孟晚舟随身携带的电子设备,非法获取密码,提供给加拿大警方。加警方违反引渡发法,将孟晚舟电子设备内的信息转给美国联邦调查局。由于拘押程序不当,孟晚舟应立即释放。A lawyer for Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou accused a Canadian border agent of fabricating testimony about how Canadian police obtained Meng"s phone passwords on Thursday. Meng"s lawyer said Canadian police and border officers illegally gathered evidence against Meng on behalf of the U.S. FBI and emphasized that Meng should be released because of the alleged abuses of process.