科学网微信视频号将同步直播期待!2021年11月5日晚 8:00(北京时间),大家期待已久的 iCANX Talks第76期即将重磅来袭,本期直播我们有幸邀请到西班牙女科学家María J. Vicent教授来到iCANX Talks讲座系列,敬请期待!
The highly expected iCANX Talks Vol.76 will be ceremoniously holed at 8:00 pm of November 5 (Beijing time). This time, we are fortunate to invite5 Professor María J. Vicent from Spain to the iCANX Talks lecture series. so stay tuned!
在前面75期iCANX Talks直播中,累计收看观众已经达到千万人次,受到了国内外专家学者的普遍好评和追捧,目前,iCANX Talks已经成为极具国际影响力的高科技云端学术峰会。
In the previous 75 weeks iCANX talks , it totally attracted close to 10 million audiences worldwide. iCANX has been highlighted by experts and audiences globally. Now, iCANX Talks already becomes a well-known and popular international high-tech online event.

Polypeptide-based Nanoconjugates as Versatile Therapeutics
María J. Vicent
Polymer Therapeutics Lab., Prince Felipe Research Center
Polypeptides represent suitable components of drug delivery systems due to their biodegradability and biocompatibility and the myriad of opportunities deriving from their feasible synthesis, versatile architecture with tunable structural properties (including size, shape, net charge, conformation, self-assembly), and tailored bioresponsiveness that provides the means to fine-tune their biological output. The multifunctionality of polypeptides also permits the implementation of drug combinations and targeted therapies, thereby supporting synergistic drug interactions and enhanced accumulation at the required site of action. This talk will introduce the versatility of polypeptides and their potential application as part of rationally designed nanotherapeutics towards unmet clinical needs.
Professor María J. Vicent received her Ph.D. in chemistry from the Univ. Jaume I (Castellon, Spain) in 2001 for her work on solid supports after several scientific stays in Prof. Fréchet’s lab. Univ. California, Berkeley (USA). She then moved into more biomedically oriented research, initially with the company Instituto Biomar and then at the Centre for Polymer Therapeutics with Prof. Duncan after receiving a Marie Curie Postdoc fellowship in 2002. In 2004, María joined the Prince Felipe Research Center (CIPF) as a research associate through a Marie Curie Reintegration contract and was promoted to her current position as head of Polymer Therapeutics Lab in 2006. She is currently responsible for the screening platform, a specialist site in the ERIC EU-OpenScreen, and coordinates the CIPF advanced therapies program. She is Director-at-Large for the Control Release Society (CRS), part of the Strategic Committee for the Valencian Agency of Innovation (AVI), and a member of the International Advisory Board of Institute Nanoscience Nanotechnology Univ. Barcelona (IN2UB) and Consortium Foundation Hospital Provincial Castellón (CFHPC). Her research focuses on developing novel nanopharmaceuticals for therapeutic and diagnostic applications, particularly polymer therapeutics for unmet clinical needs. She has received funding by national (i.e., Fund La Caixa-NanoPanTher) and European grants (ERC Consolidator grant-MyNano and ERC-PoC-Polyimmune) from academia and industry. María has received several prizes, including Idea awards or Concepció Alexandre award to Women in Science. She is a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows 2019 and Controlled Release Society College of fellows 2021. She has co-authored >130 peer-reviewed publications and has eleven patents, three of which are licensed to the pharmaceutical industry and one used as the foundation of the spin-off ‘Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions SL’ in 2012. María is executive editor of ADDR, associate editor of DDTR, and board member of key journals in materials sciences, nanomedicine, and drug delivery.
María J. Vicent 教授于2001年在海梅一世大学(卡斯特利翁)Fréchet 教授实验室获得博士学位。随后,她开始从事更多以生物医学为导向的研究,最初是在 Instituto Biomar 公司工作,然后在 2002 年获得玛丽居里博士后奖学金后与邓肯教授一起在聚合物治疗中心工作。2004年,María通过玛丽·居里夫人重返社会合同加入了菲利普王子研究中心(CIPF),担任研究助理,并于2006年晋升为聚合物治疗实验室主任。她目前负责筛选平台、ERIC EU-OpenScreen 的专业站点,并协调 CIPF 高级治疗计划。她是控释协会 (CRS) 的特任理事、瓦伦西亚创新机构 (AVI) 战略委员会的成员,以及纳米科学大学纳米技术研究所国际顾问委员会的成员,巴塞罗那 (IN2UB) 和 Consortium Foundation Hospital Province Castellón (CFHPC)成员。她的研究重点是开发用于治疗和诊断应用的新型纳米药物,尤其是针对未满足临床需求的聚合物疗法。她获得了来自学术界和工业界的国家(即 La Caixa-NanoPanTher 基金)和欧洲补贴(ERC Consolidator grant-MyNano and ERC-PoC-Polyimmune)的资助。María 获得了多个奖项,包括 Idea 奖或 Concepció Alexandre 科学界女性奖。她是美国医学和生物工程研究所(AIMBE) 2019年研究员和控释学会2021年研究员。她参与撰写了 130 多篇同行评审的出版物,拥有 11 项专利,其中3项专利被授权给制药行业,一项在2012年被用作衍生产品“多肽治疗方案SL”的基础。María 是 ADDR 的执行主编、DDTR 的副主编,以及材料科学、纳米医学和药物传递等关键期刊的委员会成员。
Nanoconjugates 纳米偶联物
Versatile Therapeutics 多功能治疗剂
同时,本次讲座也邀请了来自爱荷州立大学的Martin Thuo教授带来精彩的主持。来自德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的Nicholas A. Peppas教授和上海交通大学的丁显廷教授担任嘉宾。以及来自西南大学的高荣威担任X挑战者。精彩不断,敬请期待!iCANX将继续努力,为科学交流服务,提供一个全球学术交流的顶级平台,敬请大家期待!
At the same time, this lecture also invited Professor Martin Thuo from Iowa State University to bring a wonderful host. Professor Nicholas A. Peppas from the University of Texas at Austin and professor Xingting Ding from Shanghai Jiao Tong as guests. And Rongwei Gao from Southwest University as X-challenger. iCANX will continue to work hard to serve scientific exchanges and provide a top platform for global academic exchanges. Please look forward to it!