
Quantum Well Nanowire Arrays for Optoelectronic Integration – from nanoworld to metaverse
量子阱纳米线阵列的光电集成应用 – 从纳米世界到元宇宙
Lan Fu
Australian National University
III-V compound semiconductor nanowires have drawn much attention as nanoscale building blocks for optoelectronic/photonic integration owing to their nanoscale size, excellent optical properties and strain relaxation ability enabling monolithic growth on lattice-mismatched substrates. In particular, highly-ordered nanowire arrays grown by selective area epitaxy technique have the advantages of controllability of nanowire size and position and thus high uniformity, critical for many device applications. With suitable wavelength ranging from 1.3 to 1.6 μm, InGaAs/InP quantum wells have been being widely used for optical communication applications. In this work, I will present our work on selective area growth of highly uniform InGaAs/InP multiple quantum well nanowire arrays by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD), and the demonstration of high speed, micro LED and photodetector arrays operating at telecommunication band, promising for the development of next generation highly integrated photonic/optoelectronic systems and building of the much anticipated metaverse.
III-V族化合物半导体纳米线因其纳米级尺寸、优异的光学性能和应变弛豫能力日益成为光电/光子集成的热点构件。特别是通过选区外延技术生长的纳米线阵列,因其具有纳米线尺寸和位置可控的优点,可以实现对器件应用至关重要的高均匀性。我们知道,得益于其特殊的波长范围(1.3-1.6 μm), InGaAs/InP 量子阱已被广泛用于光通信。在此,我将介绍如何通过晶面生长控制实现基于金属有机化学气相沉积 (MOCVD) 的高度均匀的 InGaAs/InP多量子阱纳米线阵列的选区外延生长,并展示通讯频段的高速微型LED和光电探测器阵列器件,以用于打造下一代高度集成的光子/光电系统和备受期待的元宇宙。
Lan Fu is currently a Professor and Head of the Department of the Electronic Materials Engineering at the Research School of Physics, the Australian National University (ANU). Lan Fu’s main research interests include design, fabrication and integration of optoelectronic devices (LEDs, lasers, photodetectors and solar cells) based on low-dimensional III-V compound semiconductor structures including quantum wells, self-assembled quantum dots and nanowires grown by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). She has published ~200 publications (including 150 journal papers), 3 book chapters, co-edited 5 conference proceedings/journal special issue, and holds 2 US patents. Prof. Lan Fu was the recipient of the IEEE Photonic Society Graduate Student Fellowship (2000) and Distinguished Lecturer Award (2021-2022), Australian Research Council (ARC) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2002), ARF/QEII Fellowship (2005) and Future Fellowship (2012). She is the current Chair of IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chapters & Regional Activities Committee, Associate Editor of IEEE Photonics Journal, and member of Editorial Board of Opto-Electronic Advances. She is also the current member of the Australian Academy of Science National Committee on Materials Science and Engineering, Secretary of the Executive Committee of Australian Materials Research Society (AMRS).
傅岚教授是澳大利亚国立大学终身教授,同时担任物理学院电子材料工程系主任。她的研究重点是MOCVD生长的低维三五族半导体结构,如量子阱、自组装量子点、 纳米线等。这包括设计、制造太阳能电池、LED、激光器、光探测器等光电器件,及其光子学集成。傅岚教授已经发表了200多篇出版物(包括150余篇期刊论文), 撰写了3本书籍章节,编辑了5期特刊或会议论文集,并拥有2项美国专利。她是IEEE Photonics Society研究生奖学金(2000年),澳大利亚科研基金委(ARC)博士后基金(2002年),英国女王伊丽莎白二世(ARF/QEII)研究员基金(2005年), ARC未来学者基金(2012年)和IEEE Photonics Society杰出讲师奖(2021年)获得者。她是 IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chapters & Regional Activities Committee 的现任主席,IEEE Photonics Journal 及 Opto-Electronic Advances 的编委,澳大利亚科学院国家材料科学与工程委员会现任成员以及澳大利亚材料研究学会(AMRS)执行委员会秘书。
Quantum Well 量子阱
Nanowire 纳米线
Optoelectronic Integration 光电集成
Metaverse 元宇宙
同时,本次讲座也邀请了来自北京大学的张海霞教授担纲主持。来自曼彻斯特大学的Patrick Parkinson教授和来自中科院上海技术物理研究所的胡伟达教授作为嘉宾,以及来自麦考瑞大学的Noushin Nasiri博士作为挑战者。精彩不断,敬请期待!2022年,iCANX将继续努力,为科学交流服务,提供一个全球学术交流的顶级平台,敬请大家期待!
At the same time, this lecture invited Professor Haixia Zhang from Peking University as host. Professor Patrick Parkinson from University of Manchester and professor Weida Hu from Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences as guests, and Dr Noushin Nasiri from Macquarie University as X-challenger. In 2022, iCANX will continue to work hard to serve scientific exchanges and provide a top platform for global academic exchanges. Please look forward to it!